Minggu, 07 November 2010


1. Definisi Weblog !
2. Sejarah Weblog !
3. Sebutkan sebanyak mungkin Situs Layanan Gratis membuat Weblog !
4. Sejarah Weblog Blogspot !
5. Jelaskan, mengapa ketika akan membuat Blogspot harus masuk dulu ke Alamat URL http://www.blogger.com !
6. Sejarah asal-usul berdirinya http://www.blogger.com !
7. Manfaat Weblog yang Anda rasakan dan ketahui selama ini!
8. Tujuan Weblog !
9. Cara Membuat Blog Tingkat Dasar/Pemula versi Anda Sendiri !
10. Definisi User Name dan Password dalam Weblog !
11. Tujuan membuat User Name dan Password dalam Weblog !
12. Solusi bilamana User Name ingat, namun lupa Passwordnya !
13. Solusi bilamana Passwordnya ingat, namun User Namenya lupa !
14. Definisi Login (Sign In) !
15. Manfaat Login (Sign In) !
16. Tujuan Login (Sign In) !
17. Definisi Register (Sign Up) !
18. Manfaat Register (Sign Up) !
19. Definisi Dashboard !
20. Manfaat Dashboard !
21. Tujuan Dashboard !
22. Berikan alasan, mengapa setiap akan mengelola Weblog selalu harus masuk ke Menu Dashboard !?
23. Tuliskan tata cara membuat Weblog dengan cukup 1 (satu) User Name dan Password bisa dipakai untuk mengelola beberapa Weblog di tempat Layanan Yang Sama namun dengan Alamat URL yang berbeda dan Isi Weblog yang berbeda pula !
24. Dalam Menu Dashboard terdiri dari beberapa Sub Menu, sebutkan semuanya dan fungsinya masing-masing !
25. Di manakah kita akan menambah Gadget /Widget (Add Gadget/Widget) di Blogspot ?
26. Sebutkan Unsur-Unsur yang terdapat pada Sub Menu Layout (Tata Letak) dan kegunaannya masing-masing !
27. Jelaskan kegunaan PUBLISH ENTRY !
28. Jelaskan cara menerbitkan Artikel yang gagal di PUBLISH ENTRY dan muncul Pesan Error !?
29. Jelaskan kegunaan SAVE AS DRAFT !
30. Jelaskan cara menerbitkan Artikel yang sebelumnya berupa SAVE AS DRAFT !?
31. Jelaskan cara menghapus Artikel yang bersifat PUBLISH ENTRY maupun SAVE AS DRAFT bilamana suatu waktu mersa harus dihapus karena adanya alasan-alasan tertentu !?
32. Definisi Template !
33. Manfaat Template !
34. Tujuan adanya Template !
35. Tuliskan tata cara mengganti Template via Layanan Template Versi Gratisan !
36. Tuliskan Alamat URL sebanyak mungkin yang memberikan Layanan Template Gratis !
37. Tuliskan Alamat URL sebanyak mungkin yang memberikan Layanan Template Berbayar alias Beli !
38. Sebutkan perbedaan antara Template Weblog Gratisan dengan Template Weblog Berbayar !39. Sebutkan persamaan antara Template Weblog Gratisan dengan Template Weblog Berbayar !
40. Tuliskan sebanyak mungkin Alamat URL yang memberikan Layanan Panduan/Tutorial Gratis tentang Membuat dan Mengelola Weblog dari Kelas Dasar/Pemula, Menengah hingga Kelas Lanjut !
41. Jelaskan apa yang Anda lakukan setelah berkunjung ke Alamat URL orang lain baik Weblog maupun bukan !?
42. Jelaskan apa yang Anda lakukan setelah copy paste yang diijinkan ke Alamat URL orang lain baik Weblog maupun bukan !?
43. Sebutkan indikator bahwsanya kita boleh copy paste di suatu Alamat URL orang lain !
44. Jelaskan apa yang Anda lakukan setelah mendownload yang diijinkan ke Alamat URL orang lain baik Weblog maupun bukan !?
45. Sebutkan indikator bahwsanya kita boleh mendownload secara gratis di suatu Alamat URL orang lain !
46. Ekstensi Domain Name suatu Alamat URL itu banyak ragamnya , misalnya .org; .com; .biz; .net; sch.id; ac.id. karena itu, carilah sebanyak mungkin Ekstensi suatu Domain Name, kemudian jelaskan penerapannya masing-masing !
47. Definisi Sign Out (Log Out atau Exit) !
48. Manfaat Sign Out (Log Out atau Exit ) !
49. Jelaskan dampak negatif bilamana lupa Sign Out !
50. Jelaskan cara mengatasi Sign Out yang gagal terus dan ingin Weblognya aman dari gangguan orang-orang yang tak bertanggungjawab !?
51. Jelaskan, mengapa setiap akan melihat saja isi suatu Weblog, cukup mengetikkan Alamat URL di Address Bar suatu Search Engine !?
52. Sebutkan perbedaan membuka Weblog lewat Alamat URL dengan Login dahulu di http://www.blogger.com !
53. Sebutkan persamaan antara membuka Weblog lewat Alamat URL dengan Login dahulu di http://www.blogger.com !
54. Sebutkan secara lengkap Sub-Sub Menu yang ada pada Sub Menu Settings (Pengaturan) dalam Blogspot dan kegunannya masing-masing !
55. Sebutkan kegunaan pengaturan FONTS & COLORS dalam Blogspot !
56. Berikan alasan mengapa suatu hari kita bisa dan boleh menghapus Blogspot !?
57. Sebutkan cara menghapus Blogspot bilamana suatu hari tidak menginginkan lagi !?

1. Definition of a weblog is an easy way to get to know someone's personality Blogger. The topics of what she likes and she did not like, what did he think of the links that she chose, what the response on an issue. Usually depicted entirely clear from his blog. Because it is a very personal blog.
2. History Historical Origins of the blog .. Blogoleh FikriMasih Occurrences in the series blogging infrastructure. Before we start doing blogging activities, it is better if we recognize the root and origin of blogging: Blogs are the result of evolution of online diary: diary or journal of opinion, opinions, and whatever it is in the form published online (the website). One pioneer of Internet-based journalist was Justin Hall, who did make an online diarynya Justin's Links From The Underground when he was still a student of Swarthmore College.Kala, the Blog (or when it called an online diary) in general is a website that contains a collection of links to other web pages with comments and opinions about their owner's online diary pages from the destination link. Online diary so that when it could also be said as a catalog link on owners opinions. The diarist is the editor who chooses which one interesting link and display these links in the online diarynya.Pada 1997, Jorn Barger, a programmer who also manage websites online diary "robot wisdom" coined the term weblog was taken from the word "logging the web". Logging can be defined inside. So, logging the web can be translated "into the web". Correlation is beginning bloggers at the time a person who entered the wilderness of the web and sorting the interesting links on opininya.Hingga 1998, there were only a few websites that can be identified as a blog, so when it was still exploring all weblog memungkingkan for lakukan.Pada year 1999, Peter Merholz mention the term weblog as wee-blog, until finally created a blog just short. The person who runs the blog later called "bloggers". From that point everything changed. Increasingly, more and more people who create blogs. The growth of blogs is becoming increasingly significant as Blogger.com Pitas released in July 1999. Blogger.com is a web service that allows people who do not even have the ability html even able to create and manage blog.Di this point, the blog is completely changed. Even the definition of a blog that initially started bergeser.Blog is a collection of links are commented on by the blog owner, began to shift into the free expression of media owners arbitrarily blog terbalik.Dari displayed in chronological order here, everything is completely changed. Blogs grow so fast. Especially after launched Movable Type and Wordpress as a cms project continuation b2 released to the public as it engine.Setelah blog, blogs and the blogosphere continues to evolve into the blogosphere in which we live today
3. Situs_MengeNai weBLogGG this paper ... Reference: • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_blogging_timeline • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justin_Hall • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jorn_Barger • http://www.rebeccablood.net/essays/weblog_history.html -
4. WebBlogBlogsPot History ... History Blogger (Blogspot) (23 February, 2009) Category: The origins by: adminBlogger or now called Blogspot familiar among bloggers. This free blog service providers are large companies that compete with Wordpress so that it can be said is the number one provider of free blogs in the world's most in demand. Here's the history Blogger: Blogger is actually a blog publishing system (blog publishing system) that was originally created by Pyra Labs in August 23, 1999 and is a dedicated blog-publishing tool was first intended to help popularize the format Februari2003 tersebut.Pada month, due to its popularity, eventually Pyra Labs was acquired by Google. This acquisition constitutes the major premium features that were previously charged, and then changed gratis.Pada in 2004, Google introduced its new service "Picasa", namely an application for organizing and editing digital photos. The service is then integrated in the photo sharing utility Hello into Blogger, allowing a Blogger users to post their pictures into a blog that dibuatnya.Pada dated May 9, 2004, "Blogger" redesigning the main display, the various changes made in the Blogger by adding various features such as web standards-compliant templates, individual archive pages for posts, comments and posting on 14 Agustus2006 menggunankan email.Pada, "Blogger" launched the latest release in "beta version" with code "Invader", along with the release version Gold. This makes the transfer of Blogger users to Google's servers and is accompanied with the addition of some "new features" in dalamnya.Dalam December 2006, finally the latest version of Blogger is no longer in "beta version" and the "May 2007", Blogger has really switch to Google's servers.
5. because who has a blog based on blogger. com ...
6. Same as number 4
7. I feel is to feel my knowledge grew and began to learn about a few things about the blog.
8. The objective is one of the web blog posting duties and provide information on what is and additions ...
9. Go to site blogger.Com then select Create a new blog and follow the procedures that have been listed mode
10. Username: PenggunaPassword: Keyword
11. To find out the name of the owner and facilitate the search for
12. Contact blogger.com and follow the next procedure in accordance with the procedures
13. Contact blogger.com and follow the next procedure in accordance with the procedures
14. Log in: Entrance, usually used to enter the site-site
15. right at the input site is
16. right at the input site is
17. Sign up: Get out, usually used after a site visit
18. In order for the site covered and not touched by the people
19. Dashboard: the walls of bloggers
20. usually used to create or edit a fix even more particularly bloggers
21. usually used to create or edit a fix even more particularly bloggers
22. For his blog is not interfered by the mischievous hackers
23. Same thing with how to create a blog just one username that is different from the others created
25. Open the dashboard menu
27. In order to post results of which will be shown and placed on our blogs
28. Cobat continue to succeed if still can not, contact your blogger.com
29. Kept first and at times can be improved
30. Edit entry then complete the task at hand in the Save as draft and then click publish Entry
31. open the edit menu then you will see several postings and select the posting that it will dihapuz
32. template: decoration is usually presented in the blog
33. To decorate the blog so it looks beautiful and not boring
34. . To decorate the blog so it looks beautiful and not boring
35. Open the Dashboard and select the Edit menu, select Edit Template HTML

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